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time when blacks were slaves|separating people|to put to death by hanging|National Association for the Advancement of Colored People|the right to vote in the political elections|Historical black college and university (HBCU) founded by Booker T. Washington|a statement or action expressing your disapproval or objection|a person who stands up for the rights of others|a runaway slave was considered this|what many slaves dreamed and wished for; the opposite of being enslaved|Blacks were denied the right even though they could read and write|the act of treating someone unjustly|the land where slaves lived with their master|where many slaves ran to|the President who freed the slaves|where ALL people are descended from; where the slaves were taken from|the belief that one race is inferior|Considered the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement|Leader of the Civil Rights Movement|"Moses" of her people. Led 1000s of slaves to freedom