fleshy growth or crest on the top of the head|two spiral bands of tissue that suspend the yolk in the center of the white (the albumen)|front area of a chicken's chest|fleshy wrinkled and often brightly colored fold of skin hanging from the neck or throat|chicken "ankle joint", above shanks|"foot" of the chicken|below chicken neck|below chicken shank|hard protruding mouth part of a bird consisting of an upper and a lower part|skin surrounding each eye|structure on the skin of the face just below the ear, determines color of eggs|opening where chicken expels waste, the opening from which a hen lays her eggs|yellow, inner part of the egg where the embryo will form|small, circular, white spot on the surface of the yolk|thin outermost coating of the egg that helps keep out bacteria and dust|clear casing that encloses the egg yolk|narrow fluid layer next to the shell membrane|dense albumen around the membrane of the yolk|space between the two shell membranes, usually at the large end of the egg