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Are you enjoying word scrambling? Well, this is word scramble about the sandbox game 'Minecraft.' In this word scramble, it'll be about mobs. You'll need to unscramble 20 words. Good luckrn
Splashes the player with negative effects.|Spits on the player when provoked. Ewww!|Shoots the player with arrows.|Teleports away from danger.|Shoots projectiles that levitate the player .|Spawns in the jungle biome.|Steals your unharvested carrots. What a thief!|Trades with players and is in love with emeralds.|Burns due to sunlight.|Gives players pork.|Drops a Totem of Undying.|Wields an axe at players and disables shields.|Multiplies when killed.|Blinds players when the difficulty is set to Hard.|Baaaaa!|Produces milk.|Attacks hostile mobs when tamed.|Creeps behind players and explode.|Shoots wither skulls at players.