a place where people study for undergraduate or post graduate|an amount of money given by school, college, etc.|a school is not funded by the government.|a school help children to be fluent in a language they're not native to|a school for children from grades 9 - 12|a school for children between the ages 11 - 18|a building room, organization that has a collection of books,document, art, etc|a place or club where you can go to exercise using machines,etc|a study of past event|a person who is leader in a private school|a person, especially a child at school, who is being taught|a person employed to take care of school as reparing, cleaning|a person who work in library|a particular subject that is studied using scientific method|an area designed for children to play in or outside|a place where food and meals are sold.|a room or building with scientific equipment for doing scientific test,teaching|a school for children between 5-11 years old.|a place where young children and babies are taken care of|a school that offers loadging and foods to its students.|a school is funded by the government|a place you can study for an undergraduate or first degree.