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All these words have to do with The Amazing Amazon. Here are different terms of The Amazing Amazon known by every young learner who just learned about The Amazing Amazon.
an invisible gas that is formed by the chemical breakdown or burning of organic substances, such as fossil fuels, and that is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis|plants that grown on top of other plants instead of being rooted in soil and get their nutrients from air and rain|leafy plants without flowers or seeds|a living thing that grows on organic material and produces spores|containing nutrients needed for life and growth; nourishing|nocturnal pig-like mammals found in the Americas|able to hold or pick up things|changes within set limits|a group of living things that are physically similar and can reproduce|claws on the feet of birds such as owls, hawks, or eagles|areas of land or water that animals or groups of animals defend and live in|unaware of potential danger