Etymology 3.1-3.6 Brain Teaser

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You might hear me when people talk about the 1960's Backward is what I mean, it isn't hard as it seems. What prefix am I?
I mean voice and call, I'm in the word vocal, but that's not all You see me on your phones as well, does that ring a bell?
voc, vok
I am what you listen to, In waves I travel through. Sony, sonic, and song contain me. Sound is what I mean, you see. What Latin root word am I?
I mean body, alive or dead. I could be something amazing, or something to dread. I'm found in corporations. I'm a root word from the Latin nations. What root am I?
I mean ear, yes... that thing you use to hear. What would come to me is sound, on your head is where I'm found. What root word am I?
Pinocchio was cursed to speak of me, watch the movie, you'll see. I mean the word truth, look in your reference books, there's proof. What root word am I?
I mean shrewd or wise, I don't hold any lies. I'm in the word sage, and many more, probably enough to fill this page! What root word am I?
My definition is ill and bad, I'm used in stories that are evil and sad. An example word is malice. All I mean is complete madness! What prefix am I?
All I am is crimson goo, I mean blood, and drive some people cuckoo! One word that contains me is sangfroid, look me up on your ipad or android. What root am I?
I mean ,shape,invent, imagine. I'm the reason why there are computers, and new fashions. One example is the word figure, now that word should help you find the answer!
fing, fig, fict, form
I just simply mean see, And you should agree. I start with the letter V The word vision is where you'll find me! What root am I?
vid, vis
What I mean is speak, whether it may be like a shout or a squeak. I can be found in confess and many, many more words I guess! What root am I?
fa, fat, fess
Flesh is my definition, this is a fact, not an opinion. I'm located in carnival, originally meaning meat-eating festival. What root am I?
Define me as language, neither to your advantage or disadvantage. Find me in the word linguistic, you can't really miss it. What root am I?
My definition is only and alone. Uncover me in solo. Also in solitary and solely, they all just mean alone and only. What prefix am I?
soli-, sol-
I mean complete talk and chatter! I'm all just about blabber. Garrulous is where I'm hiding, but it'll be easy finding me! What root word am I?
I mean around, like all around town! Circumference is where you'll find me, here's a clue: I end with an M and start with a C! What latin root word am I?
End Of Game