Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Are you dreaming of being an engineer when you grow up? Is engineering is in your blood? In simpler terms, engineering is the use of a scientific approach to invent, design, and build things to solve problems. Here, in this word search puzzle, we've hidden many important terms that one should be aware of when it comes to engineering, and this will help you more in the same field.

Words In This Word Search

Aerospace, Engineering, Amps, Battery, Beam, Biochemical, Bridge, Building, Catapult, Characteristics, Circuit, Breaker, Combination, Circuits, Components, Computer, Construct, Construction, Currant, Dams, Earnings, Education, Electrical, Electricity, Electrons, Engineer, Fixed, Resistor, Floor, Plan, Generator, Highway, Job, Description, Machine, Measurments, Metals, Motor, Multimeter, Power, Source, Project, Manager, Property, Line, Protons, Railroad, Resistance, Rockets, Schematic, Semiconductors, Steel, Plant, Structural, Switch, Transformers, Transistor, Variable, Resistors, Voltage


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