Blood Borne Pathogens Brain Teaser

What are Blood Borne Pathogens?
Blood borne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Who has been determined to come into contact with Blood Borne Pathogens within Security Forces? How could Security Forces possibly come into contact with bodily fluids from another individual with in our day-to-day duty's?
The following personnel/tasks are reasonably anticipated as a result of their nature/ day-to-day duty's to come into contact with skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parental contact with blood or other potentially infectious fluids and materials. duty positions: Security Forces Investigator, Corrections Supervisor, Flight Chief, all other post and patrols. Possible Exposure Tasks: Crime scenes, traffic accidents, all disaster/contingency operations, rendering first aid, searches, animal attacks, drowning or near drowning incidents, handling of transports or illegal aliens, handling domestic violence case or sexoffenses, handling of evidence from above incidents.
What PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment) should be at minim in your gear bag? What kit should be in all security forces vehicle's?
personal gear: 2 par of latex or surgical gloves, leather or protective equivalent and CPR mask. SF vehicles should all have a blood borne pathogen kit. ( contents must include one-way respiratory cardio resuscitation (CPR) mask , surgical gloves, eye protective goggles or glasses with side shields, surgical mask and surgical gown.
When would you use disposable gloves VS leather gloves?
Disposable gloves are to be worn when handling an individual, clothing, or equipment contaminated with bodily fluids. Leather gloves or the protective equivalent must be worn when searching persons or places or when working in environments, such as accident scenes, where sharp objects and bodily fluids may reasonably be encountered.
True or False Plastic mouthpieces or other authorized barrier/resuscitation devices will be used whenever personnel perform CPR or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?
True: Security Forces personal should assume that all persons are potential carriers of HIV or HBV.
Under what circumstances would a Security Forces member not dawn PPE?
The Security Forces member would have to demonstrate that in a specific instance, its use would have prevented the effective delivery of health care or public safety services or would have imposed an increased hazard to his/her safety or safety of another co-worker.
Procedures for placing warning labels on container or plastic bags containing blood or other potentially infectious material. Labels must comply with what organization?
OSHA ( Occupational Safety and Health Agency) standard 1910.1030
What color should the biohazard labels be? what may be used to substitute for labels?
Biohazard labels shall be fluorescent orange or orange-red or predominately so, with lettering and symbols in contrasting colors. Red bags or red container can substitute for labels.
How will the Biohazard label be affixed to items?
Labels shall be affixed as close as feasible to the container by string, wire, adhesive, or other method that prevents loss or unintentional removal.
True or False Any suspected contaminated materials that must be stored, as evidence will be properly stored and marked with biohazard labels or bags IAW Osha standard?
True or False Any evidence contaminated with bodily fluids shall be completely dried, double bagged and marked to identify potential or known communicable disease contamination.
When determining whether a worker has sustained an exposure in the field. What first question should be asked?
Is the fluid or substance with which I came into contact one of the following? - blood - semen - vaginal secretion - any bodily fluid or matter visibly contaminated with blood?
What is the seconded question that needs to be answered?
Did the fluid identified enter my body through any of the following (portal of entry): - needle stick injury - any other laceration by contaminated object, such as broken glass, blade, or sharp objects, ect - open cut, wound or weeping lesion (non-intact skin) -eye, mouth, and/or nose ( mucous membranes)
If the answer to either of the question is no, exposure has not occurred? But if an exposure has occurred or the individual believes they've been exposed the individual will do what immediately?
they will immediately was or flush the affected area and other skin areas as soon as possible. report the incident and apply appropriate first aid report to ER.
True or False If the exposure incident occurred when the source individual interfered with a security forces member in the performance of his/her duty by biting, scratching, spitting, or transferring blood or other bodily fluids on, upon, or through the skin or membranes of a Security Forces member, that individual is subject to a court ordered blood born pathogens test. The victim or prosecutor may petition the court for the appropriate order. The victim will be informed if the individuals test is positive for HIV or HBV.
True or False Custody and transportation of prisoners individuals with bodily fluids on their persons will be transported in separated vehicle from other persons?
True the individual may be required to wear a suitable protective covering if s/he is bleeding or otherwise emitting bodily fluids.
what is the responsibility and obligation of the Security forces personnel to notify relevant support personnel during a transfer of custody?
If the suspect has bodily fluids present on his/her/ person, or stated that he has a communicable disease.
What are the step to decontaminate your self?
Disposable gloves should be rinsed before removal and hands and forearms should be then washed. Any unprotected skin that come into contact with bodily fluids shall be washed as soon as possible with hot running water and sap for at least 15 sec before rinsing and drying. alcohol or antiseptic towelette may be used where not soap and water is available.
what should be done with clothing?
contaminated clothing with bodily fluids will be removed as soon as practical and with as little handling as possible. contaminated laundry and personal protective equipment will be bagged and or containerized at location of unit issue.
End Of Game