Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


The Treasure of Lemon Brown is a short story written by Walter Dean Myers, a children's and young adult author renowned from the late 1960s until he died in 2014. Set in a tenement building, the story follows Greg Ridley, a boy anxious about his poor performance in school. Banished to his room to study, Greg sneaks away to a warehouse, where he meets a man named Lemon Brown, who, through his story, teaches Greg that what matters most isn't prestige but love, family, and appreciation for life. Have you ever read this story? Do you still remember the terms and characters described in it? If yes, prove it by playing this word search puzzle.

Words In This Word Search

Vault, Probe, Gnarled, Beckon, Tremor, Ajar, Commence, Ominous, Greg, Mr Ridley, Lemon Brown, Harmonica, Newspaper


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