The Twilight Saga is a series of novels written by American author Stephenie Meyer. The books Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, tell Isabella Bella Swan, who falls in love with Edward Cullen, a vampire. Her affection for Edward proved dangerous as she became a hunting target of James, Victoria, and Laurent. When Edward decided to leave Bella after Jasper attacked her, she became good friends with Jacob Black, a werewolf. After Bella saved and prevented Edward from killing himself, Edward was left with no choice but to agree to make Bella a vampire so that the Volturi, a vampire royalty, will not kill her. After Victoria attempted to murder Bella, she decided to marry Edward. Soon after, Bella gives birth to a half-vampire and half-human daughter, and the final battle against the Volturi begins.
Words In This Word Search
Roasalie, Edward, Werewolves, Bella, Vampires, James, Alice, Pack, Fangs, Cullens
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