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The Holy Book is another way of saying the Old Testament. It includes the five books of Moses and all of the prophets' additional texts and the sages. These texts are often conversations between the prophets and God begging for notice and help. They are also books of advng the population to change their ways and become more moral and ethical—some books readers stories of miraculous escapes such, as the book of Daniel. The stDaniel's of Dan lions' den tells how Daniel is raised too high office by his royal master. However, jealous rivals trick his master Darius the Mede into issuing a decree that condemns Daniel to death by placing him into a cave with a hungry lion and sealing him there. But Daniel's faith in God saves him.

Words In This Word Search

Amos, Chronicles, Colossians, Daniel, Ezekiel, Ezra, Galatians, Habakkuk, Haggai, Matthew, Nehemiah, Philemon


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