Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Some words require you to drop the letter 'e' before adding the ending to put an end to the term. For instance, to make the phrase loving, you need to cut the 'e' from love to make love and then add the ending. This makes the word love. We have created this word search puzzle that consists of the words that drop the 'e' rule. Do you think you can find them all? Good luck!

Words In This Word Search

Having, Making, Changing, Writing, Moved, Noticeable, Sensible, Agreeing, Seeing, Imagination, Writable, Manager, Excitable, Using, Used, Servicing, Giving, Sizeable, Sizing, Exciting, Forgivable, Forgiving, Likeable, Liking, Believable, Believing, Excited, Coming, Argument, Eyeing, Storing, Movable, Loving


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